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Hats off to Webroot Staff for clearing up to spam postings. Ive noticed a void however while searching the various topics and wondered if the Staff could comment.


Not so long ago there was a super valuable group of Forum Wizards who would come to the rescue of Webroot customers who had a question or an issue. Lately I have noticed that when a customer has a question the responders are always suggesting to open a support ticket.


Where have all those Wizards ( not that the Webroot staff aint wizards ) gone to ????

Folks like Jasper the Rasper and Sheltieuk and Acooldozen and Muddy7 and Baldrick and J.P.and especially Sherry; used to reply with a solution in the blink of an eye


To open up a support ticket seems a waste of time and a burden on the technicians compared to those Wizards who used to faithfully reply in a matter of moments.


Thumbs up for correcting the spam issue but its now time to bring back the Forum Wizards.


Hey ROBERT1725, 


Thanks for the note and for paying such close attention to the community. The team and I appreciate it. 

We have been sending more and more users to support because we are finding out that even though we may provide some immediate help, to truly understand the issue and address it in the fastest way possible, it's best to have our technical support team talk directly with the end user. They need to dive deep in some cases and look at some information that shouldn't be shared publically online, ie) user logs. 


Our team will continue trying to toubleshoot as best we can by replying to posts, creating KB articles, and running down people in the building in some cases 🙂. We strive to continue to be a resource for you and other community members. 




Just a note here what @  said  once:


"Now If Drew & JP are going to do is send every OP to support then why even have a Community? My first experience with support years ago was not a good one, and honestly neither have any I've had since. It was Dave, David and Daniel who responded to me, and I remember being a tad pissed when I first posted, due to my experience with support, but they were all very friendly and helpful and got me squared away. If it weren't for them I would have ditched Webroot and gone to somethings else." 





I get the impression (maybe mistakenly?) that you're not hearing Robert's point.


He said: "To open up a support ticket seems a waste of time and a burden on the technicians compared to..."


Ssherjj's quote from a post by BurnDaddy seems to reinforce this point.
 At one time, simple questions or issues were answered rather quickly by those I referred to as " Forum Wizards ". Now..... just for giggles and grins; think of the huge bottleneck and the outrageous costs involved when someone with a simple ache or pain shows up at the Hospitals Emergency Room.


Doctors and Nurses are overwhelmed by the flood of patients who don't need Emergency Care but just need an Aspirin or an encouraging word. I can see the cost of Webroots Internet Security options skyrocketing if they continue to open up a support ticket for someone who just needs a nudge in the right direction.


The " Wizards " were the  front-line soldiers who handled basic/simple issues and were familiar enough with Webroots workings that they could dish out solutions to those who had simple issues. They were also savvy enough to ping a moderator if more delicate information was warranted to remedy an issue.
Just as you say, Robert. You put it so much better than I could. The combination of the two worked really well. That combination however seems to have been blown to smithereens by an insensitive and sadly inappropriate treatment of a personality conflict.
@, @ I must agree with the comments both of you have made, it's a great shame, the forum is very quiet now and a pale shadow of what it used to be. 😞
If that's the case Muddy7, then that's  shameful. If  every posting is going to be turned into a support ticket, how does that relate to what Webroots goal ?

When a member logs in, they are directed to " The Webroot Communities " where it then states their mission to.... Discuss.Contribute.Learn.Read. How do the Webroot Skirts and Shirts expect anyone to Discuss-Contribute-Learn-or even Read, if everything is handled behind the scenes with a support ticket ?


I consider myself an intelligent individual with well over six years of High Skool ,but I know/knew very little about Internet Security. Ive had Trend Micro and Norton but the main reason I changed over to  Webroot ( going on 3 years now ) was because I was able to Discuss-Contribute-Learn- and Read up on the inner workings of Internet Security.


All that was made possible thanks to members who posted questions and by those Wizards who took the time to answer the questions in a simple down to Earth manner.

  1.  Thank you Robert and Muddy & @ for defending the once family like and strong Forum that we used to have & still do somewhat. It'll never be the same, as the purpose and value of this forum has changed IMO. May I contribute my thoughts just for a minute

I've also have had 4years of high skool...lols please bare with me as I try to post my concerns and our objective. The VIPs here are mature folks not a child. We have experienced life and know the meaning of respect and caring for people. 


We were/are volunteers and not employees which is a big difference. The fact is we all strived to address the OPs questions first before sending to support which was our drive to  to help them learn and direct them to solve there issue as soon as possible. . I've have many OPS upset when sending them to support right away. Most want an answer and solution like right now and most were very excited and greatful that their issue was resolved so quickly. But WE have almost always tried to give the OP a solution before sending them off to support. Support is great for the backside of things that we cannot handle/fix. Such as subscription problems and what not.


To me I thought this Community was our/my mission and our love of helping people & believing in Webroot that we could possibly give the OP as much knowledge and understanding to whatever issuse that they had.


Why & What is this Webroot Community Forum here for? What is missing?


Why have Volunteers in the first place?


Maybe the Webroot Company is getting too big for the small folks..the consumer side of Webroot has a subscription for only 5 computers, devices, as the Business side has anywhere from fifty to a thousand devices to tend too. I don't know.


Anyway Thanks for listening ... :)


BTW: for some reason my post would not complete or save a paragaph that I had written. It gave me errors!!


Sorry but for some reason I could not post this remark? The VIPs worked as a TEAM and we were not trained by management. We learned from eachother.


When one of ourTeam members gets removed or leaves. It puts a big hole/gap in the Community. The one VIP that knew Webroot like the back of his hand. Now he is gone and he is not allowed to return.  This I do not understand because he was the most loyal and gave most of his time to Webroot for 5 years. I guess you cannot have feelings or emotions in the Forum or you'll go down. Appreciation and respect is all we asked for and that was lacking. The Team has known eachother for years. The new management really never knew us and they had broke up a family here on the Community!
@Couldn't agree more with all your comments, I've been using Webroot security software for over 7 years now and have been a Forum members for 6 years and have always found the forum and it's members very helpfull during that time. My understanding of the purpose and objectives of the Forum have always been the same as yours to help people and try to solve their problems before they need to contact support if possible. Very sad that we seem to have lost some very knowledgable people now. 😞
@ wrote:

Appreciation and respect is all we asked for and that was lacking. The Team has known eachother for years. The new management really never knew us and they had broke up a family here on the Community!



@ wrote:

The one VIP that knew Webroot like the back of his hand. Now he is gone and he is not allowed to return.  This I do not understand because he was the most loyal and gave most of his time to Webroot for 5 years.

This is the face of the new Webroot Community Forum management.


However abrasive Daniel was—and I know he sometimes can be—this was not in any way justified.


@ wrote:


Frankly, no other word adequately conveys what has happened on this Forum.
We hear your comments and want to acknowledge that there have been some recent changes which have affected the community.


We are actively working to improve things, and expect to see some more improvements in the coming weeks and months. In the meantime, we ask that you refrain from posting comments referencing previous community members or events that most users are not aware of, nor have any insight into. We’ve received feedback from new members that they are confused by the commentary and it makes them feel fearful to speak up and comment. We are here to move forward and continue to make the Community an online destination where Webroot users and cybersecurity enthusiasts can learn, share, and connect.


Please note, we will be moving these posts to so that they will no longer be visible in the general community.


We hear your comments and want to acknowledge that there have been some recent changes which have affected the community.


We are actively working to improve things, and expect to see some more improvements in the coming weeks and months. In the meantime, we ask that you refrain from posting comments referencing previous community members or events that most users are not aware of, nor have any insight into. We’ve received feedback from new members that they are confused by the commentary and it makes them feel fearful to speak up and comment. We are here to move forward and continue to make the Community an online destination where Webroot users and cybersecurity enthusiasts can learn, share, and connect.


Please note, we will be moving these posts to so that they will no longer be visible in the general community.


What an absolutely ridiculous thing to say.

Never in my life have I seen a community so anally micromanaged by the stuffed shirts on high!


Apparently Webroot has never heard the phrase "If it ain't broke don't fix it."


Keep up the great work Webroot (snark)!


When a company is unable to handle legitimate critisisms and wants to sweep it under the rug, look out!


The Webroot people running this forum have absolutely NO idea what an online community is suposed to be.


@ wrote:


However abrasive Daniel was—and I know he sometimes can be—this was not in any way justified.


Sorry I cannot comment on that person you mention @ without my post being removed. It looks like any posts made that refer to him will be moved or maybe even deleted no matter what the context of the post is.


or else...
