WSA System Optimizer changes the settings on Adobe Flash player. Why?

  • 8 November 2014
  • 5 replies

It appears the settings are reset to the default settings.  Must go back and reset the Flash Player settings after every time I run the System Optimizer.  Is there any way around this hassle?

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hello JJabber,

Would you have a look here at the User Guide

Let us know if this helps or not.

Maybe one of our Forum members can assist here?

Userlevel 7
Hello JJabber, welcome to the Webroot Community!
My guess is that your System Optimizer settings are set to remove Flash cookies.  We can change that though.
  • Open WSA
  • Click Advanced Settings at the upper right
  • Click System Optimizer in the left frame
  • The right frame will now show the available file types to be removed.  Scroll down the list until you find Flash.  If the box is checked, we have found the problem.  Uncheck the box
  • Click Save
Take a look and see if this helps.  Please let us know if this works or not.
There is GOOD NEWS and BAD NEWS to this "solution".
The GOOD NEWS:  dis-abling the cleaning of Flash Cookies stops Webroot from changing the Flash Player Settings.
The BAD NEWS:  in order to stop Webroot from changing the Flash Player Settings, one must dis-able the cleaning of Flash Cookies.
Either way, this creates a security vulnerability.  Unnecessarily.
Webroot should fix this,  such that you can clean your Flash Cookies without Webroot changing your Flash Player Settings.
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
@ wrote:
There is GOOD NEWS and BAD NEWS to this "solution".
The GOOD NEWS:  dis-abling the cleaning of Flash Cookies stops Webroot from changing the Flash Player Settings.
The BAD NEWS:  in order to stop Webroot from changing the Flash Player Settings, one must dis-able the cleaning of Flash Cookies.
Either way, this creates a security vulnerability.  Unnecessarily.
Webroot should fix this,  such that you can clean your Flash Cookies without Webroot changing your Flash Player Settings.
Hello JJabber!
May I suggest that you put this idea in the Ideas Exchange and the more Kudos you get the more likely this can be considered.
Have a great day!
Userlevel 7
Also, if I may add, in the event that I am wrong (And I am wrong plenty 🙂  ), you might also submit a Trouble Ticket just in case there is a better solution.
