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I started using Web Root this year and want to learn about it and how to get the best out of what is offered.

My computer skills are fairly good but I still can get stumped by something that should be simple. I am looking for help now. I hope someone out there can help me or at least advise me where to go for help. I use Windows Live Hot Mail and several weeks ago- after composing and sending two messages out- I got an error message, 3204. Can not send or receive... I have struggled with looking for an answer to fix this and it seems so many of the sites that offer support also want money.... It was suggested I disable the firewall- would that work? Any help is appreciated... Looking forward to learning from you all. Thanks, Carol
Hi Carol,


Welcome to the Community!


I'm very glad that you started using Webroot, I hope that you are satisfied while being protected by WSA.

Regarding the mentioned issue, have you tried to resolve an error by using Microsoft Windows Live Mail Diagnostic Fix It?

If no, I would recommend you to look at this: Fix: Windows Live Mail Error and try to resolve this issue using Microsoft tool.





😃 Hello Carol, Great to have you onboard!!

Miguelle, known as Mike is going in the right direction. If you can't resolve this issue please post back and Im sure others here on the Forum can address this. I will also do some research for you..


Take care and See you back for there's alot to learn here and lots of fun with a group of great people willing to help anyone out..



ou can download and apply Microsoft Fix it 9833174 from KB2842520 to your system. The wizard may be in English only; however, the automatic fix also works for other language versions of Windows. Once you have downloaded it, simply click on it to run it and follow the wizard.

Hi Carol


Welcome to the Community Forums...


Give what Mike has suggested a go and let us know if that resolves the issue or not...and if not then we will look at other avenues for you.


EDIT:  Research on this topic has revealed the followiing MS Support Thread which may provide additional information and options.





Hi Carol


A quick supplementary question; I assuem that you had installed WSA sometime before this issue first manifested itself? And if so that you had sent & rteceived emails  previous to this whislt WSA was installed?


Perhaps a silly question with an obvious answer...but as Sherlock Homes stated "...that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?" ;)





Hello Carol and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums!




Daniel 😉
@ wrote:

I started using Web Root this year and want to learn about it and how to get the best out of what is offered.

My computer skills are fairly good but I still can get stumped by something that should be simple. I am looking for help now. I hope someone out there can help me or at least advise me where to go for help. I use Windows Live Hot Mail and several weeks ago- after composing and sending two messages out- I got an error message, 3204. Can not send or receive... I have struggled with looking for an answer to fix this and it seems so many of the sites that offer support also want money.... It was suggested I disable the firewall- would that work? Any help is appreciated... Looking forward to learning from you all. Thanks, Carol

Hi Carol


Hope that you are well?


Further to your initial posts we have not heard back from you on where you are with your issue.  Do you still have it or has something changed (for the better), etc.


Either way please post back so we know if we need to standby to assist or not.








Hello Carol. Welcome to the Community.:)
Hello Mike,

Thanks for the Welcome to the Community. I am sorry I have been late in getting back to the folks who are trying to help me with my problem. I tried your solution and it did not work. I spent several hours yesterday following this tip and that tip and still nothing... I refuse to give up and I am hoping with the help of some of you folks, I can reestablish my hotmail. Please more help... CJS
Hello Carol at this time with all the other suggestions didn't work can you please Submit a Support Ticket and they can look at your Scan log and possibly need to whitelist some files on your PC or they can gather more logs with there log gathering tool and they can help you best and please let us know the outcome as it could help others!




Daniel ;)


EDIT: Please see my next post!
Hi Carol can you turn off WSA for a test to see if it is WSA causing this issue? Can you click at the top Right of the GUI Advance settings and follow the pictures below.



And then Right Click on the Webroot Tray Icon by the clock and Click on



And shut down WSA and try to get your emails if you can then please do as I said in the above post and Submit a Support Ticket and if you still can't then it doesn't have anything to do with WSA and since you tried some of the fixes above maybe you can post at the Microsoft Community to see if they can help you and if they do please let us know the outcome as it can help other members!




Daniel ;)


Also in the end if you want to turn on WSA again either you have it on your Desktop and Click it twice and depending what version of Windows you are using a simple reboot will make WSA become active again!
Hi Sherry,

Nothing has worked. I have tried everything... I think I have narrowed it down to what happened though. A hitch in my time on the clock and sending two e-mails out which did not go.

I am so frustrated I could scream- I have spent hours trying to figure this out... Trying the fixes everyone suggested. What do I do now? THanks, CJS
Carol please see above and let us know what happens!




Daniel 😉
Hi MIke, I tried that several times and it did not work- their is a Fix it Yourself that seemed over my head... I am still looking for a fix. I did go to the Microsoft web site community and see that this same problem is mentioned over and over- I am trying to get something going with that... Thanks for the Welcome. CJS
Hi Baldlrick, Thanks for thinking about my problem and suggesting fixes... Yes, I have had WSA for some months. Yes, My E-mail was working fine... As I told Sherry, the problem started about 3 weeks ago- my clock was off for some reason and I was sending several messages out- they did not go. I have since deleted them and of course reset the clock. How can I get my mail through their server by going to the net? I use Hotmail as my personal. My Gmail works as does Yahoo and the net. It is just the hotmail that is stuck... CJS
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the Welcome...

To say I am frsutrated is an understatement.. Read the post I just put on to Baldrick. I am going to try your suggestion. CJS
Carol, have you tried simply re-setting your Live Mail account? How do I add an account to Windows Live Mail? - Microsoft Windows Help


To see if Webroot is causing any issues with it, follow @ 's advice to shut-down WSA and see.


Also found this solution:


Windows Live Mail not synchronising with since before - Microsoft Community


 "Just to let you know, I have now fixed this problem - after trying (without success) all the suggestions made in the private discussion with the Moderator, the thing that worked was -

(1) Removed the not working Hotmail account from WLM

(2) Signed out of Windows Live Mail (from the not working Hotmail address)

(3) Signed in again with a new Outlook address I had just created. This worked!!.

(4) Signed out of this address

(5) Signed in again with the original Hotmail address.

The Hotmail account was then automatically recreated and synchronisation worked.  Also the calandar updated successfully."

Hi Daniel,

I got part of it done- could not find the shut down for WSA- but I lost my icon and I am just LOST.... It is 5 p.m. somewhere....
Right Click on the TaskBar and run Task Manager and look for these 2 processes!





If they are not there then WSA is shut down but if they are let me know!



Hello Carol, Sorry I havent been able to reply to your issue. Please follow @  because he's the MVP of Microsoft and has all the knowledge available for you. A support ticket would be advisable in my humble opinion. I've also had trouble with my email but not because of WSA. Also @ has great problem solving as @ .


Its frustrating I know not being anle to get email issue fixed. I've gone in and changed my password and that seemed to work for me.


Please don't give up and take a step at a time..we will get this straightened out for you one way or another..


Regards, Sherry
Thank you Sherry- I will continue to work with TripleHelix and Dermot7. Right now my head is spinning... It seems their directions are good but they still create more questions.... Will let you know...


Hi Daniel,

I am ok with WSA now.... My head is swimming and I need to rest it.. Will continue to follow suggestions..... THanks,

I think everything is ok- except for the original problem.
Hi Carol,


I haven't had any issues with Hotmail, therefore it's difficult to advise me something specific... :(

The more, none of the proposed solutions did not bring results so far...

Although you have been using WSA for a long time and mail communication wasn't affected I would try to disable protection, as Daniel suggested before, and check whether the situation is improving or not

Of course let us know about the results :D




We just wanted to check to see if WSA is the cause and if it is it's best to contact support via a Ticket. When you have time please let me know when you get WSA shut down and check your email if you get them them WSA is the problem and if not then WSA is not the Problem.


Ok- Daniel, Do I reset the account by adding a new one?

I do I remove the non working acct from WLM?

I was at Outlook and thought about making an acct. but they want me to sign on to Twitter- I do not wish that. I can't seem to satisfy Microsoft with a password and am having trouble with thaat situation.

HOw can you sign back into the original Hotmail acct if you have removed it? I am confused? HELP????

Thanks, Carol
