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my optimize scan area is blank since i renewed my subscription by calling the company

Hello, I'm a newbie...........Kasie92
I have used Webroot for several years and when I saw the price for a renewal I called the company and stated that as I only ever us 1 PC I wanted a reduced price. (a closed mouth is never fed) They ended up giving me a discount. I did ask if the content would be the same. they said yes it would be the same.I have tried to use the optimize scan. It doesn't work. At first I thought is it me???? I found how to change the settings on what I wanted to be optimized but when I go to the scan area it's blank even though the name optimize is there.  I know from reading these posts there are some talented people in here to help me. I await your phenomenal input.

Best answer by nic

Oops, looks like the upgrade created a new keycode instead of keeping the old one.  I'll PM you that keycode @ 
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36 replies

Gold VIP
Hello Kasie-92 and welcome to the Webroot Community!
Please open the WSA program
Click on the 'gear tool' next to My Account
Look next to "Product" and Status and let us know what is listed there.  DO NOT let us know the Key Code or other information.. Just the Product and Status.

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  • June 15, 2014
the product says Internet Security Plus

Gold VIP
So that tells us that you don't have Optimizer as it's only in the Complete version or the Gamer version do you know what you had before and was it Complete?
Daniel ;)
EDIT: Also is this what are we talking about?

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  • June 15, 2014
I'm very disappointed to hear that. I made a big deal about that it needed to have the same components. without the optimize feature i'm having trouble with my cache and other files slowing down my pc. I need that feature. When I asked for a reduced price I did not ask or accept a reduced product. So ......can you fix that????? Is it possible to see who I talked with when I renewed my subscription. I have a few words I'd like to have with him!!!???
                      Very Troubled

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  • June 15, 2014
Sorry, I became a little miffed and didn't give you the info that I've always had the complete version. I believe I started using your product around 2009.

Gold VIP
As it is the weekend, there is probably not much that can be done until Monday.  @ is the Community Admin, and he should be able to help get this looked at on Monday.  :D

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 6752 replies
  • June 16, 2014
Sorry about that - I upgraded you back to complete at no charge.

Gold VIP
Awesome service Nic!
Daniel 😃

Gold VIP
  • Gold VIP
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  • June 16, 2014
@ wrote:
Sorry about that - I upgraded you back to complete at no charge.
Nice one, Nic

  • Bronze VIP
  • 1525 replies
  • June 17, 2014
Good going Nic. Webroot is the best.:)

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  • June 17, 2014
Thank you Nic. I really appreciate this. Although you stated that you updated it I don't know if I'm supposed to do something. My webroot still shows what I can focus my optimizer on but still remains blank where I should be able to initiate a scan.

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • June 17, 2014
@ wrote:
Thank you Nic. I really appreciate this. Although you stated that you updated it I don't know if I'm supposed to do something. My webroot still shows what I can focus my optimizer on but still remains blank where I should be able to initiate a scan.
You're welcome!  Try a quick uninstall and reinstall using the same keycode and see if that does the trick.

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
Thank you Nic. I really appreciate this. Although you stated that you updated it I don't know if I'm supposed to do something. My webroot still shows what I can focus my optimizer on but still remains blank where I should be able to initiate a scan.
You're welcome!  Try a quick uninstall and reinstall using the same keycode and see if that does the trick.
Make sure you reboot in between!

  • Moderator
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  • June 18, 2014
Welcome Kasie-92, Great to hear you joined the forum and we are glad to have you here! Sorry I missed your posting yesterday but just wanted to say I'm glad our Forum members and our moderator Nic was able to sort out your issues! It's great that you have WSAC and you've been with WSA for several years!

Don't be a stranger and pop in and join us from time to time because we have a lot if fun and knowledgable people here. 🙂

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  • June 18, 2014
Hey Sherry, Thanks for the welcome. I'm almost.....Well, I am embarrassed to say that I did what Nic (I believe ??) told me to do. I uninstalled  Webroot. I then searched for it to install. therein laded the problem. When I found a pop-up saying that I just needed to put in my key code it wouldn't accept it. It's been a long day on this laptop. :womanfrustrated:: I apologize for my ignorance though as every judge says...It's no excuse!

  • Author
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  • 8 replies
  • June 18, 2014
Let me tell you guys;   Nic& especially Sherry;   I really do appreciate your help. I'm a baby boomer who likes technology. Of course being in the medical/psychiatric field makes me more comfortable reading people instead of my laptop. I finally did get it done. Hussar!!!!
     I'm sure you'll get a chuckle when I tell you that when I was finished the beautiful green site hadn't put anything in the optimize space in the scan area. As a matter of fact .........................wait for it....................IT TOOK ALL MENTION OF OPTIMIZE OUT!!
It's been a long day. I feel better that I'm sitting here petting my webroot knowing it'll be looking after me tonight. Of course it has already found several threats. (I knew it!!!) Tomorrow if someone could send me one that actually is complete would be great. The Devil is a liar, I don't feel so mad and hot. I know you guys are really trying to get rid of my Big White Elephant in the room.

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  • June 18, 2014
Kassie- 92,
Sorry you still are havIng problems here but the keycode should give you WSAC. I'm on a mobile right now so I'll ping
@ but could you try an uninstall of Webroot/ reboot/ install of WSAC again and see if that works. I haven't the links on my cell or @ can assist. .Ill be back...

Gold VIP
I am really not sure... Due to the changes made at the back end to fix the issue, I think that we may need to wait for Nic to take a look to verify things are set correctly.
I am pretty confidant the correct download was used: the alternative would have been that the Best Buy Download was used, but that version DOES include the Optimizer, so that should not be the problem.
It is possible that a re-do of the clean install will work.
  • Make sure you have a copy of your Keycode
  • Download a Copy Here
  • Uninstall WSA
  • Reboot the PC
  • Install with the new installer, enter your keycode and don't import any settings as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
On another, but entirely serious note, I have to say KUDO's to Kassie.  You have a frustrating issue with the Optimizer now not showing, but you have posted with quite a sense of humor about it.  :)  It is good that the protection of WSA is working, and I appreciate your good attitude on getting the rest working!  Do me a favor: once this is fixed and working, PLEASE stick around with us: it is a great place to learn, and have fun as well.

  • Bronze VIP
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  • June 18, 2014
Also make sure you're connected to the internet during the uninstall.

  • Moderator
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  • June 18, 2014
😃 Thank You @ for the backup. If this doesn't work shouldn't he Submit Trouble Ticket .
So Kassie-92 you also have that option. Please get back to us when you have a chance if the "white elephant " hasn't left the building!!;)

  • Retired Webrooter
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  • Answer
  • June 18, 2014
Oops, looks like the upgrade created a new keycode instead of keeping the old one.  I'll PM you that keycode @ 

  • Moderator
  • 21828 replies
  • June 18, 2014
😃 Thanks nic! I was getting a headache searching that issue!!;)

Gold VIP
Thanks Nic :)  (I had a feeling something like that was happening....)

  • Community Leader
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  • June 21, 2014
I am having a similar issue. I too just renewed by buying a new keycode. A month ago I researched my options. I had been using Webroot Security Plus for a year. I had system optimizer and system analyzer, both of which I use and need. I had contacted customer support/sales and I was told by them and Geek Squad/Best Buy as well that the only difference between Plus (that I had) and Complete is 5 devices vs 3 and the online storage which I do not need. Long story short, I no longer have the 2 features. I had the option to take advantage of a discount on Complete which would have cost me $5 more than what I paid for my new keycode. I didnt as I knew I will not afford to renew Complete the following year and being that I had the features in Plus thst I needed, I stayed with Plus.
Since renewing with the new keycode I have experienced all kinds of issues getting the password manager to work and after uninstalling and reinstalling, that issue is corrected, but I do not have the system optimizer nor system analyzer which I need. Customer support reffered me to sales. Sales refferedme back to customer support. I am on hold as I type and have been for about 20 min now.
I am feeling frustrated and very upset as it looks like I wasted my money. I can handle an addition $5,but not an additional $20. From the descriptions and comparision charts, I could not see that since a year ago system optimizer and system analyzer were no longer included in Plus. Had I known I would have paid the extra $5 and purchased Complete. I started a month in advance preparing for my renewal date (which was supposed to be June 22, 2014 and was bumped up to June 20, 2014) in order to be sure I would have all the same features and decide if I need online storage. The past 24 hours have been a nightmare and I am still holding.
Thanks for listening, any suggestions?

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 6752 replies
  • June 21, 2014
Sorry to hear that you went through a similar experience. I can generate you a new key for complete, but we'll need to do the same process to port over your passwords. If that's ok then we can get you sorted out on Monday.
