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German server lockbox scores MEELLION dollar seed-smashing record

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Thwarting the NSA as a startup business model

By Darren Pauli, 5 Jun 2014 The beer steins were certainly being filled and drained when a bunch of Germans potentially got the upper hand over the NSA in a bid to stop the snooping.  Good on them.   "Cheers and laughter could be heard late last night through the walls of a small Hamburg office as staff celebrated an unlikely win; their punt to build a NSA-subverting server that encrypts everything a small business might do in the office had made bank with a record-breaking $US1 million in crowdfunding sourced in 89 mins. 
The German startup darling Protonet is no beginner at the crowd funding game. In 2012, it scored funding to build what it dubbed the world's simplest server line dubbed Carla and Carlita.
 Its request on Seedmatch for €100,000 in funding to build the new box, Maya, was smashed by 1500 per cent with pledges from 1046 investors hitting the limit at €1.5 million."

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