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:8 Hi I have a Toshiba Lap Top SatelliteL755, it has a LAP TOP CHECK UP program that insits on the Norton security center that tells me that I have no security on my system when I have full blown webroot protecting my system perfectly. I just wondered had any one else noticed that Norton uses all kinds of scaretactics to scare people into useing thier problem ridden products as well. I used Norton on one Lap top as it was a part ofthe Package Deal( whatever) and all it seemd to do was try to initiate fear. That I only had 363 days left and needed to resubscribe before it istoo late. I happily removed Norton and put the Webroot right in after that .I bought webroot because I know it is good and theree are not any games being played. I just see Norton as a scaming coniveing bunch that greed is thier cause. That seems teroristic to me and very decietfull. Is there a way to shut them down or at least hold them responsible as actually being malware? I also think that it reflects porrly on the TOSHIBA CORPas well. That is my coment and now I have to go to class. [email removed by moderator]

Best answer by ProTruckDriver

Hello jdhanson6, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. :D
My wife has a Toshiba Satellite L675 with the Norton security center. I removed the program, didn't need it running WSAE 😃
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3 replies

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 448 replies
  • April 5, 2012
Hi jdhanson and welcome to the Webroot Community!
When it comes to internet security, each company uses their own marketing methods and fortunately, we’re not a fan of scare tactics either.
I’m happy that you chose Webroot at the end of the day though. I think you’ll see that we are pretty proud of the product we created. If you ever have any questions or issues, please continue to post here on the Community and I’d be more than happy to help you!

Hello jdhanson6, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. :D
My wife has a Toshiba Satellite L675 with the Norton security center. I removed the program, didn't need it running WSAE 😃

  • Retired Webrooter
  • 288 replies
  • April 5, 2012
Good answer, ProTruckDriver. Good answer. 🙂