Had been running this report (Endpoint:List) with no problems.
I added a couple of new sites.
Universal Reporter is log indicates it is successful on the first site, and I get output for it.
It fails on the second site (the first NEW site), with the error:
:: ERROR [2023-10-12 15:54:16Z] Exception occurred. Exiting processing.... {"statusCode":500,"requestId":"31205b99-c3da-4e7b-8618-cd183536f303","error":null,"error_description":"SkyStatus request failed (No parameterless constructor defined for type of 'System.String'.)","AdditionalInformation":{}}
At C:\Users\Me\OneDrive - MyCompany\Documents\Webroot Reporting\Runs\20231012T2153265213848Z\Templates\Endpoint List - 1.3\Scripts\template.psm1:275 char:5
+ Get-UnityAPISkyStatusSiteEndpointStatusSite -UnityAPIClient $Scri ...
The output for the failed site appears to have legitimate Parameters, Site, and ConsoleEndpoints sheets, but the other sheets all have headers but no endpoints.