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I had a really bad virus and malware attack last week.  Webroot ran numerous scans, but I still could not access my hotmail account through my ie.  Finally had to call Microsoft and pay $100 to have my laptop disinfected.  Would there have been a better way?  Microsoft found 1280 PUPs even after Webroot had pronounced my computer free of threats.
Hello gailfitzpatrick37 and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums!

You could save $100 having addressed in a support service Webroot.

See more


"If you are unable to remove a threat by performing a scan using your Webroot software, we offer two free options for virus removal"


Thank you

Best regard, Petr.

Hi gailfitzpatrick37


Welcome to the Community Forums...:D


Sorry to hear of your troubles.  PUP or (PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Applications, as they are also known as elsewhere, and at Webroot) are a contentious subject as to some they are not malware whilst to others they are, and as a result WSA does not, as far as I am aware, remove them per se.


The problem is that some people actually install this type of app knowingly, and therefore for WSA to just remove them when legitimately installed would not be appropriate.  But it is also true that they some time sneak onto users system, unrequited, but very often they are installed at the same time as other software usually due to the user not being careful to read all the prompts an installer something to watch in the future...always double check what you are being asked about when installing.


It is a shame that you did not contact the Community or Webroot Support first as you could have logged a Support Ticket and go help from the Support Team to get rid of the PUPs/PUAs.


We also have knowledge Base articles such as this one which provide guidance on how to remove PUPs/PUAs...worth bookmarking in case it happens again.


The important thing is that you are sorted...but should anything like this strike whilst yo are using WSA then please post back here or Open a Support Ticket, as you first port of call in trying to get it sorted.


Hope that helps, and provides the information that you were after? Please feel free to ask any further questions you might have.







Hello gailfitzpatrick37 and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums! 


Sorry but PUP's & PUA's are not true infections per say and Webroot support would of helped you remove the PUA's free of charge.


And I see Baldrick has given the link to the Article for PUA's.


I had not set up my account on Webroot. I did try to contact you but, to be honest, it turned into such a project (obviously, I finally succeeded) that I turned to Microsoft.
I bought webroot security for my Macbook, It was working for awhile now its not working,, what can I do to get it working again.

No worries, Gail (may I call you that? :D)


Well, you know where to come should you run into any further issues...there are always lots of friendly user in the Community prepared to try to help/assist fellow users with an issue...if they can.


Hope to see you back here, in better circumstances, as the Community is also a great place to make friends and learn a lot.


Have a great rest of weekend.


Regards, Baldrick


Welcome to the Community Forums...:D


We can try to help but need a little more details as to in what specific way(s) "its not working".  What are the symptoms? 





Welcome gailfitzpatrick37 and I hope everything is fine now. These guys are very responsive to help in anyway they can and I hope you enjoy your Webroot protection. I have tested and used many security protection products but found myself always coming back here as the speed and technology of Webroot seems to be the wave of the future! 
Thanks for your reply.  Webroot has now pronounced me cured, as has Microsoft.  However, I keep getting an ad which reads "Can and identify out of date window Vista drivers. Rapidly repair all driver-related error." There is also a button which reads update windows driver".  It seems a leap that Microsoft would be updating their product through the use of ads on the internet, or have I just fallen into the bottomless pit of paranoia?
Hi Gail


Glad to hear that you are sorted.


Now about that message; you need to identify if it is a genuine MS message or something more sinister.  IMHO if it includes any ads then it is not from MS and you should not accept it.  Also, MS will notify of driver updates where required via WIndows Update and not through pop ups like you again...a good reason not to accept it.


You may have a remaining or another PUP/PUA  so unless you feel comfortable delving into the system and following the instruction in the KB article I referenced in my initial response to you, I would suggest that you Open a Support Ticket and see if the Support Team can assist as it sounds suspiciously like something more sinister.





Thanks, Baldrick.  I decided to call Microsoft and have them run another scan - 2 more hours of scanning and 13 new pua's.  I am glad you told me about the order ticket - I will try that in the future.  As the old joke goes, "Yesterday I couldn't even say pua, and now I are one!"
Do you have a phone number for Microsoft can you post the Number and or Website Please? I would like to know more about who is actually helping you?




Hi Gail


Yes, I am with Daniel on would be good to know who is assisting you, especially since as a WSA user you have Webroot Support Team to call on to assist no there is a good deal. ;)


Definitively make use of them rather than anyone else.  In them we trust.


Regards, Baldrick
Would be curious to know who Gail was getting help from. There are websites that claim they are Microsoft Fix-it and the webpage switching to a technical support team offering to fix your computer for 100$. I know I was texting a MS agent (in November for W7) for problems with my OS. Fell slightly into the trap and then I decided not to do it. Then I read security posts on line that MS has people posing as MS agents conning people out of money to fix their computer. Just a warning which Im sure you guys know about already being in this security community group.
Hi SSherjj


I think that what you read in "security posts on line that MS has people posing as MS agents conning people out of money to fix their computer" is pure humbug.  There is no way I can see that that MS would or could get away with conning people (can you imagine the effect on their markets?), and it is actually unscrupulous, in the main, 3rd parties praying on the unfortunate, fearful & technologically challenged.


Having said that there are a lot of legitimate 3rd parties who do offer a genuine service...the problem is how to  differentiate the genuine from the not genuine...IMHO.




Oh dear; I said that wrong, No I meant to say people online are posing to be from MS and they are not MS. There are phinishing web sites that redirect your page to them..understand what Im trying to say here?


I was online looking for Microsoft Fix-it and all of a sudden I ended up on a page saying I was connecting to a MS agent and it wasn't. No it would be scubalous for MS themselves to do such a thing. My apoligies to the you riled tho.;)
Hi SSherjj


It does happen...I have done it many times myself...:$  But the important thing is to live & learn.


But you are quite right when you say there are a lot of imposters out there whch is why I say that the simple rule is if they call or mail you then be on your gaurd...and that goes for callers & mailers purporting to be from just about anything, including insurance companies, banks, etc.  Anything that is unsolicited needs to be treated with care...or am I just being paranoid? 





   From the Microsoft Community Post: writes here.                        (Hi, I have just become a victim of a scam. A company (indian person) posing as certified microsoft support saying that they had reports that my pc was running slow and that they could make it run faster. I gave them access to my computer (I know, what a wally) via logmein code 320307. Last night I deleted all IE files and cookies etc., ran a scan. I am woorried about 'keylogger' software trying to capture my banking details. Is there anything else I should do?).


Now back to my dumbness,SSHERJJ, I actually said I can't afford to be helped now. Next week would be better financially and Ill think about it so I gave my phone number ONLINE. And they actually called me. Well I wiped out the HDD and Im fresh with WSC.
Hi SSherjj


Well, it would be interesting to know what AV/IS software the person concerned is running for a start.  Of course, if WSA then I would say there is nothing more to do other than (i) enable maximum heuristics for a while (ii) watch for suspicious and/or strange behaviour, & (iii) if they spot any or have suspicions of anything untowards...then Open a Support Ticket ASAP.


Now, if with another vendor, then the same (if the AV/IS they are using provides that facility) and in the case of (iii) call the vendors Support Team...not Webroot's...;)


Hopefully the others on tonight will have wiser words to pass on?





:DCan I post a problem resolved yet. HEEHEE
That's why I asked her for more info and Microsoft would not do anything for $100 it sounds like one of the online scams and it's not the first time we here this on here.


Daniel :(



These are not Official Webroot Support sites so do not contact them!


I can find many more but do not contact them!


These are the only Official!


And Best Buy Subscription Service via Geek Squad:


😉 Thank You TH!
Thanks, Daniel...very useful, and perhaps worthy of a KB Article to show examples of what not to believe and to re-iterate the Official sites you have mentioned?  Then users can search & find guidance on this if they are looking for it.






Actually, I went into a page called Microsoft support.  If you click on Windows, one of the options they offer is technical support.  You can do it by phone (I don't remember the number) or webchat.  I have done it both ways.
