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Has anyone experienced dramatic slowing of system since new update?

  • 10 October 2013
  • 11 replies

I have been using Webroot AV for over a year with no problem whatsoever affecting my system's speed performance. After the new update all my video streaming has suffered dramatic slowing, often even stopping for long periods of time. I have rebooted, had my ISP send a refresh signal to my modem, tried running nothing but one single video (I was before able to have several browser windows open and streaming without slightest problem. I pay for Comcast's top speed and have run speed checks that don't show any reduction in latency, download or upload speeds. This has only occurred since WRSA update. I am seriously disappointed. Did you guys try to fix something that wasn't broken?
Have you tried shutting WSA off and seeing if that makes a difference?
To add to what Gorg said did you Reboot since the update? If you did and it's still slowing you down can you go the Webroot Tray Icon and Right Click and Save a Scan Log and tell us approximately how many [u] files are in the log!


Did either of you acually read my post? "I have rebooted, .."
Sorry but can you answer my other question about the [u] files in the Scan log?




There appear 81 iems in the log fie startin with the [u]
I just did that.
@ wrote:

There appear 81 iems in the log fie startin with the [u]

Can you please Submit a Support Ticket and copy and paste those [u] files in the ticket to get them Whitelisted once that is complete it should go back to normal but if not then I would suggest that you do a clean reinstall with a Reboot in between.


OK, thanks, I did that. I'll also now do a complete re-install. Do I need a new installation file since the update?
@ wrote:

OK, thanks, I did that. I'll also now do a complete re-install. Do I need a new installation file since the update?

I would wait till they reply to you that the files have been whitelisted also here is the Download link just make sure you have a copy of your keycode and after uninstall reboot.




@ wrote:

Did either of you acually read my post? "I have rebooted, .."

I'm sorry, but I never asked if you re-booted. I asked if you had shut down Webroot and tested if you were still having the issue. So I don't know where the "Did either of you" part comes from.


Right click the Webroot icon in the taskbar by the time, and select "Shut down Protection" and see if the problem persists, please. This will tell us if the issue is truly with Webroot and not something else on the system causing the issue.

One of my colleagues has whitelisted those U`s so the scans should be quicker. The number of U`s in this case wasnt extreme and I wouldnt expect it to effect system performance. 
