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Microsoft accused of Windows 10 upgrade 'nasty trick'

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  • May 27, 2016
Dermot, you need to take a look and use one of the apps that are available that provide functionality to take granular control of the telemetry features; they provide granular control of theese which is much better than the whollesale on or off mechanism in Windows 10 which if one uses may lead to reduced functionality. ;)

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  • May 27, 2016
@ wrote:
Dermot, you need to take a look and use one of the apps that are available that provide functionality to take granular control of the telemetry features; they provide granular control of theese which is much better than the whollesale on or off mechanism in Windows 10 which if one uses may lead to reduced functionality. ;)
Baldrick, my view of W10 is that you either take or leave it, and as things stand I choose the latter option. These new 'features' where they apparently have decided to enforce more control over the OS on the user's machine is not what I want. I see it as very similar to Google's way of deciding themselves more capable and knowledgable for what an individual needs, and should want to happen...ergo THEY want to make the decisions, usually based on the data they have been able to collect. 
I won't have it like that. End of story. 
And thanks, yes I'm aware of all those type of apps you've referred to, but they also possibly shouldn't be needed ideally. 
And the greyed-out settings that @ mentioned should not happen imho.

Community Leader
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
 In my opinion, Telemetry = spying :S   In my win 10, I have turned off MS communicating back to them and when I checked back at those settings, they are turned on and grayed out....hummmmmm.  
That sounds like a fairly accurate definition of telemetry  and I'd like to hear an explanation of those greyed-out settings, ideally from MS. 
If you use a cleaning app like e.g. CCleaner it should be possible to delete a lot of that stuff also.
@ Those greyed out settings are probably as a result of a windows update (obviously MS doesn't want you to touch!  :D  I use CCleaner and it doesn't delete a lot of "that" stuff.  The funny thing is when you ask why certain settings are greyed out they say, I don't know  :@

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  • May 27, 2016
Hi Dermot
I completely understand your position...and it is yours to take. ;)
I was only suggesting the aforementioned additional applications given that whilst MS has provided means to turn off most of the telemetry it is not very granular and therefore turning one setting off may make several functions stop working propoerly when you are just interested in some of them...the apps very much allow a more granular approach.
I sense that MS has taken their approach deliberately in the hope that because something that one wants are 'screwed up' by switching off the telemetry settings then the user will opt to leave them on...and so telemetry fully functional. ;)
All the best, Baldrick

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?   ;)

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  • May 27, 2016
? Sorry Squire if I went off on a bit of a rant against W10 there, lol 😃 Think I was just making the point that I definitely don't have it installed at the moment...cheers :D 
And thanks for the further clarifications about the granularity/telemetry etc.

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  • May 27, 2016
Dermot, my friend
Absolutely no need to apologise...your words were not taken for anything but strong feeling directed at those in Redmond. 😉 And as I said, I completely understand you point of view/where you are coming from on the subject..
Cheers, Baldrick

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? ? thats what I like to see, .working together as the NEW perfect combination!  as Baldrick puts at the bottom of his post :D


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  • May 27, 2016

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@ wrote:
@  -------->  Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete Beta Tester v9.0.9.77...+ VoodooShield v3.21 Beta (incl. AI)...working together as the NEW perfect combination! And backed up by Macrium Reflect v6.1

Julie  ;)

  • Moderator
  • 21714 replies
  • May 27, 2016
@ wrote:
Just use one of these GWX tools and it will keep it off!
Daniel ;)
I just ran the this tool because I have dual partitions running Windows 10 and 8.1. I ran the tool to shut off notifications in W 8.1. Cool!!

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  • June 4, 2016

          Lives could have been put at risk by pushy upgrade      

"When you're stuck in the middle of the Central African Republic (CAR) trying to protect the wildlife from armed poachers and the Lord's Resistance Army, then life's pretty tough. And now Microsoft has made it tougher with Windows 10 upgrades."    
"If a forced upgrade happened and crashed our PCs while in the middle of coordinating rangers under fire from armed militarized poachers, blood could literally be on Microsoft's hands," said one member of the team."   

Community Leader
? Thanks for the info.  Don't be surprised that some day someone starts a class action lawsuit against Microsoft for forcing users to upgrade to win10.  LOL where can I sign!

  • Fresh Face
  • 1 reply
  • June 17, 2016
And this is not their only "dirty trick". Several weeks ago, I walked into my office from the kitchen to find a big open window with a timer counting down. It was at 10 minutes when I found it, and the message was that at zero I would be upgraded to Windows 10. There was no X in the corner (red, white, or black), no "No Thanks", no "Schedule Later", nothing to stop the timer. 9 minutes. I tried Ctrl+Alt+Delete and got my blue change user screen, but when I tried that and came back to the desktop, the window was still there, 8 minutes. I then went to Shut Down, Restart, Sleep, Hibernate, etc. were greyed out. So, I pulled the power plug out of the socket.  I waited 15 minutes, then plugged everything back it. I still have Windows 7 and the big timer is gone.
I went into Control Panel and verified that I had the Windows Upates set to "Notify me when updates are available" NOT update automatically.
I now do not leave my computer running unattended for over 10 minutes.
I post this because you may have it happen to you, or someone you know will say "I didn't want to upgrade, but when I went back to my computer after lunch it was upgrading."

  • 1 reply
  • June 17, 2016
!Edit the registry at your own risk! Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. 
1. HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsGwx
DWORD value: DisableGwx = 1
2. HKLMSOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsWindowsUpdate
DWORD value: DisableOSUpgrade = 1
1 will disable the notification in the task bar while 2 will supposedly block the upgrade to Windows 10 through Windows Update. I've tried both on several workstations and can confirm we have not had issues with these computers trying to upgrade since.
MS posted this information in their KB3080351
(How to manage Windows 10 notification and upgrade options)

How do I get rid of the 10 upgrade nasty trick?

How do I get rid of the nasty Window 10 that keeps coming up on my screen?

  • Moderator
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  • June 17, 2016

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  • June 17, 2016
? ?
I have found that the easiest and best solution is Never10 which is referred to by Triple Message 14 of the link in Sherry's post.
It amends the registry with just one click and is just as easily reversed if you later decide you want W10.
You can then happily leave your PC on and unattended in the safe knowledge that you will still have W7 when you return! :D

Gold VIP
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  • June 17, 2016
And Steve Gibson's utilities are legendary for being first class. ;)

  • Moderator
  • 21714 replies
  • June 17, 2016
This registry change worked perfectly on my Windows 7.:D

You heard the good old saying, Sit back and watch the train wreck. I reserved front row seat on Microsoft. 😃

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  • June 17, 2016

Gold VIP
@ wrote:
!Edit the registry at your own risk! Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. 
1. HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsGwx
DWORD value: DisableGwx = 1
2. HKLMSOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsWindowsUpdate
DWORD value: DisableOSUpgrade = 1
1 will disable the notification in the task bar while 2 will supposedly block the upgrade to Windows 10 through Windows Update. I've tried both on several workstations and can confirm we have not had issues with these computers trying to upgrade since.
MS posted this information in their KB3080351
(How to manage Windows 10 notification and upgrade options)
I would not recommend for common users but to use one of the Tools available to users that Sherry linked to!

  • 1 reply
  • June 18, 2016
I have windows 7 I am used to it not particurly computer literate ie have no idea what osx means (operating system what?} also just joined this website forum whatever it is and incorrectly enterd user name , wanted last 2 numbers same as birth year. Kow do you change user name? Seems like windows is still maintaing windows version . I basically only use my computer for gaming , emails and have made some online purchase but never plan to use it for online banking or any thing involving in any way access to my savings, checking or retirement. So I guess what I asking is what benefit would there be to the W10 upgrade?
