Renewing Webroot, I am told the fee is $39. Nowhere on the checkout page does it say this is USD. I am in Australia, so my card gets charged $59. To me this means one of two things. It’s either deceptive practice, as displaying the actual amount in the currency of the user would be a higher amount, which the company seemingly wants to avoid despite being the honest thing to do. Or, at the very least, it’s simply disrespectful. Is Webroot intended only for U.S. customers? If not, why not have the courtesy to display the amount in the user’s currency (as many respectful businesses do), or at least have the courtesy to state the currency of the displayed fee. Or do they think the whole world revolves around the U.S., and feel no need to think otherwise? I previously contacted support about this issue, and received a canned and completely inadequate response, so just to make things worse, the claims of good customer service are apparently empty claims.